At a Glance
From 2017 to 2019, an estimated
residential building fires
were reported to U.S. fire departments each year.
These fires caused an estimated:



in property loss

At 51%, cooking was the leading cause of residential building fires. Nearly all (93%) residential building cooking fires were small, confined fires.

Residential building fire incidence was higher in the cooler months, peaking in January at 10%.

Residential building fires occurred most frequently in the early evening, peaking during the dinner hours from 5 to 8 p.m., when cooking fire incidence is high.

Nonconfined residential building fires most of ten started in cooking areas and kitchens (21%).

In 50% of nonconfined residential building fires, the fire extended beyond the room of origin.
The leading reported factor contributing to ignition category in nonconfined residential building fires was misuse of material or product (37%).