At a Glance
Each year, from 2017 to 2019, an estimated average of
multifamily residential building fires
were reported to fire departments in the United States.
These fires caused an estimated:


in property loss
Multifamily residential building fires accounted for 29% of all residential building fires.
Small, confined fires accounted for 71% of multifamily residential building fires.

Multifamily residential building fire incidence was slightly higher in the cooler months, peaking in January at 10%.

Cooking, at 74%, was the leading cause of multifamily residential building fires — 95% were small, confined fires with limited damage.

Cooking areas and kitchens (33%) were the primary areas of origin for nonconfined multifamily residential building fires.

Smoke alarms were present in 64% of nonconfined multifamily residential building fires.