At a Glance
From 2017 to 2019, an estimated average of
heating fires in residential buildings
were reported to U.S. fire departments each year.
These fires caused an estimated annual average of:



in property loss

Heating was the second leading cause of all residential building fires, following cooking.

Residential building heating fires peaked in the early evening hours from 5 to 9 p.m., with the highest peak from 6 to 8 p.m.

Residential building heating fire incidence peaked in January at 20% and declined to the lowest point during the months of June, July and August.

Confined fires, specifically those fires confined to chimneys, flues or fuel burners, accounted for 77% of residential building heating fires.

The heat source was too close to combustibles in 27% of the nonconfined residential building heating fires.

Smoke alarms were present in 56% of nonconfined heating fires in occupied residential buildings.