Travel exception examples
- You want to travel on a different date from that listed in your course acceptance letter.
- You want to travel to/from a different city than that listed in your course acceptance letter.
- You anticipate additional expenses for transportation and/or lodging costs.
Requesting a travel exception
Email requests for travel exceptions and cost savings, along with 2 itineraries, to Jo Ann Boyd. The first itinerary should show travel on the days listed in your acceptance email. The second itinerary should show your preferred travel days. After both itineraries are provided and reviewed, you will receive an email with the answer to your request.
Be sure your request is approved before you make travel arrangements. If you don't get approval first, your travel reimbursement could be limited to the state ceiling amount.
- Travel questions? NETC Admissions Office
- 800-238-3358, ext. 1035