Wildfire and Outdoor Fire Safety Pictographs
These pictographs will help you to overcome literacy barriers and communicate wildfire and outdoor fire safety messages with pictures to high-risk populations.

Place your grill at least 3 feet from siding, deck railings, eaves and overhanging branches.
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Only light a gas grill with the lid open.
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Use long-handled utensils and grill mitts when using your grill to prevent burns.
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When refueling any small motor, such as a lawnmower, snow blower, or string trimmer, make sure the motor has cooled prior to adding fuel. Spilled fuel can easily ignite and cause serious burns.
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Keep fire pits, wood piles and propane tanks 10 to 30 feet from your home.
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Don't start a campfire or burn yard debris if there are high winds, drought or high temperatures.
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Trim branches that overhang your home, porch and deck. Keep plants, trees and branches at least 10 feet from your home.
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Keep trees limbed up to 10 feet from the ground. Keep 10 feet between tree branches.
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Clear leaves and branches from roofs, gutters, porches, and decks. Remove dead plants, leaves and branches at least 10 feet from your home.
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Wildfires can spread to homes from blowing embers and flames.
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Remove ladder fuels from your yard.
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Create a plan for evacuation. This should include knowing alternate routes out of the danger area. Have prepacked kits with essentials such as medicine, family records, credit cards and a change of clothing. Take your prepacked kit when you evacuate.
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Have prepacked kits with essentials such as medicine, family records, credit cards, a change of clothing.
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Create a family communication plan that designates an out of area friend or relative as a point of contact.
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