Wildfire Report Series
These reports identify and analyze the characteristics of wildfire incidents reported to the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS).

An Analysis of NFIRS Data for Selected Wildfires
The third report in our Wildfire Report Series compares the publicly reported loss metrics (e.g., deaths, injuries, dollar losses and acres burned) from media and government sources for 6 named wildfires between 2016 and 2018 with the data reported by local fire departments to the NFIRS.

Analysis of NFIRS incidents in the WUI
The second report in our Wildfire Report Series examines 2009 to 2011 California wildland urban interface (WUI) incidents reported to NFIRS in terms of travel time, loss measures and fire cause and compares the incidents to those outside WUI areas.

Investigation of MODIS-detected fires in NFIRS
The first report in our Wildfire Report Series investigates the feasibility of using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data as a means for identifying wildfire incidents that may be missing from NFIRS.