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Partner with us: We are stronger together!
USFA recognizes partnerships as a critical means of delivering accurate and consistent safety messages to the community. We invite fire departments, life safety organizations and fire and life safety professionals to partner on this important initiative. Once you join, we ask you to use the Fire Is Everyone’s Fight graphic and tagline on your existing and new materials.
Home fire deaths continue to rise despite increased community risk reduction activities like home safety surveys, smoke alarm installation and education campaigns. Our nation's fire and emergency medical services need to speak with one voice on fire and life safety to relay clear and consistent messages.
Together we can inspire and empower our communities to Step Up for Fire Safety.
Join the fight!
Use the Fire Is Everyone’s Fight logo on materials you create
The Fire Is Everyone’s Fight logo is trademarked so we require that you complete a simple registration form to use it. Once you do, you'll have access to various versions of the logo optimized for websites and print materials.
Register to use the logoOne of these rooms is safer than the other.
Fire is fast and getting faster.
Synthetic materials in our homes and new construction methods and materials help fire spread faster than ever before. Encourage your community to make an emergency escape plan and practice it.
Install smoke alarms and fire sprinklers.
Closing doors can help stop the spread of fire, save lives and limit damage to your home.
When escaping a fire, evacuate quickly and close the door behind you.
Close Before You Doze. Always close your bedroom door when you go to sleep.
Share the facts about fire and how to keep your community safe.
Spread the word about Fire Is Everyone’s Fight on social media
Social graphics and sample posts
Join with us [or insert your fire department/organization name] to help prevent home fire deaths and injuries in our community. Contact us to learn how. #FireIsEveryonesFight #FireSafety #FirePrevention #StepUpForFireSafety
Download social cardX
Join with us [or insert your fire department/organization name] to help prevent home fire deaths and injuries in our community. Contact us to learn how. #FireSafety #FireIsEveryonesFight
Download social cardFire Is Everyone’s Fight® is an initiative to unite our community around reducing home fire deaths and injuries by changing how people think about fire and fire prevention. Partnerships are a critical means of delivering accurate and consistent safety messages to the community. We invite all organizations and businesses in our community to partner with [insert your fire department/organization name] on this important initiative. Contact us to learn how. #FireIsEveryonesFight #FireSafety #FirePrevention #StepUpForFireSafety
Download social cardFire Is Everyone’s Fight® is an initiative to unite our community around reducing home fire deaths and injuries by changing how people think about fire and fire prevention.
Partnerships are a critical means of delivering accurate and consistent safety messages to the community. We invite all organizations and businesses in our community to partner with [insert your fire department/organization name] on this important initiative. Contact us to learn how. #FireIsEveryonesFight #FireSafety #FirePrevention #StepUpForFireSafety
Public service announcements
Fire Is Everyone’s Fight outreach
USFA image gallery
Free, high-resolution U.S. Fire Administration stock images for your use in fire and life safety outreach, training and other materials. Images are copyright-free and no permission is required. Visit the image gallery
Ways to use the logo on your outreach materials
Check out how fire departments and fire service organizations are using the Fire Is Everyone’s Fight logo and public service announcements (PSAs) to help change how people think about fire and fire prevention.
Send us your photos!
Is your fire department or organization using the logo on your outreach materials to help spread the word about fire prevention in your community? Email us a high resolution photo, along with a caption, and we'll showcase your effort here.