
Emergency Medical Services
Our courses in this curriculum cover EMS supervisory management practices, incident command for medium to large patient incidents, and management and planning of specialized operations.
EMS courses
Fire Prevention: Management
Our courses in this curriculum will teach you how to lead and manage effective fire prevention programs and show you how to build support for community risk reduction in your organization and in your community.
Prevention: Management courses
Fire Prevention: Public Education
Our courses in this curriculum will show youth the value of, and how to apply, community risk reduction in your community. You will learn how to conduct a service area risk assessment, deliver educational presentations and identify youth involved in firesetting.
Public Education courses
Fire Prevention: Technical
Our courses in this curriculum cover the application of fire and life safety codes and standards, including inspection and enforcement, pre-incident planning, and plans review for fire protection systems.
Prevention: Technical courses
Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation
Our courses in this curriculum will teach you about the science and investigation techniques required to conduct modern fire investigations and how to pursue arson cases through the judicial system.
Investigation courses
Hazardous Materials
Our courses in this curriculum will help you to make risk-based decisions based on science. Incident management, strategies and tactics, advanced life support and specialized response are covered, as well as code enforcement.
Hazardous Materials courses
Incident Management
Our courses in this curriculum focus on command and control responsibilities for fire officers at a variety of incident types.
Incident Management coursesSee also: Incident management team training

Leadership and Executive Development
Our courses in this curriculum help to develop executive-level competencies and provide senior fire officers with a broad perspective on various facets of fire and EMS administration.
Leadership courses
Planning and Information Management
Our courses in this curriculum will provide you with the strategic planning, data, financial and analytical skills needed to effectively manage fire and EMS programs and projects.
Planning courses
Responder Health and Safety
Our courses in this curriculum will help you to develop risk management strategies that reduce firefighter and EMS casualties. Current health and safety issues are explored, with an emphasis on the safety role of the first line supervisor.
Health & Safety courses
Training Programs
Our courses in this curriculum will teach you how to manage department training programs and introduce you to contemporary training issues and methods, including development, delivery and assessment.
Training courses
Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)
Our courses in this curriculum will provide you with the ability to create and sustain a fire-adapted community. Land-use planning, code adoption and evacuation planning are covered.
WUI courses