The National Emergency Training Center (NETC) Library is your primary information resource for fire, emergency management, and other all-hazards subjects.
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Featured articles
Fire service
- Changing large wildfire dynamics in the wildland–urban interface of the eastern United States
- Characterization of exposure to air pollutants for workers in and around fires
- Development of a scale for recruitment of forest fire workers using confirmatory factor analysis
- An examination of the health and wellness of women wildland firefighters
- Integrating the traditional, experience-based model of fire service improvement into a modern, research-based model to enhance fire service knowledge, strategies, and tactics
Emergency medical services
- Assessing the accuracy of ECG chest electrode placement by EMS and clinical personnel using two evaluation methods
- Breaking bad news in the prehospital setting: A guide for EMS clinicians
- Differences in accuracy between paramedics and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) when identifying low-acuity pediatric patients
- Making sense of body-worn cameras as a violence prevention tool for ambulance staff: Reflections and policy implications from a non-systematic literature review
- A prehospital protocol for geriatric agitation
Emergency management
- An agent-based simulation study on the effect of ambulance dispatch policies on patient mortality in hospital systems: A disaster response test case
- Effectiveness of a fire disaster PFA simulation game: A single-blinded trial
- The national trend of data of the scale of attitude toward culture of living with disaster risk (SAC-LDR)
- Progress and challenges toward coherence among disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, and sustainable development
- Tornado sheltering: Challenges and solutions including public storm shelters