Emergency Medical Services
The U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) provides training, research and outreach to help keep emergency medical services (EMS) personnel and their patients safe and help prepare fire departments for special EMS operations.
Training opportunities
Train with the best to be the best! National Fire Academy classroom and distance learning courses cover supervisory management practices, incident command for medium to large patient incidents, and management and planning of specialized EMS operations.
EMS Quality Management (R0158)
Learn how to create, implement and maintain a Quality Management Program, including historical examples, current models, and best practices of quality assurance and improvement, process improvement, and data collection and analysis.
View on-campus course description
I learned very valuable ways to solve problems and increase EMS quality at my departments.
Human trafficking awareness
S.T.O.P. Trafficking
Strategic Targeted Outreach Program
Strategic Targeted Outreach Program, a new initiative driven by Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) to mitigate trafficking by engaging key industries and raising public awareness to recognize and report trafficking.
Blue Campaign
Identify a Victim
Everyone has a role to play in combating human trafficking. Recognizing the signs of human trafficking is the first step to identifying a victim. Our resources page has materials for a more in-depth human trafficking education and a catalog of materials that can be distributed and displayed in your community.
Human Trafficking Awareness for First Responders
Latest EMS articles
Rethinking emergency medical services staffing and delivery
Read the recommendations based on patient outcome data from peer-reviewed studies on the impact of response times and EMS staffing levels.
Emergency response guides for electric vehicles and lithium-ion batteries
Standardized guides for electric vehicle and lithium-ion battery response are available for easy access to critical information for first responders.
EMS and Community Paramedicine: Evidence-informed policies and state-by-state legislation
Read how many states are using community paramedicine to reduce emergency department use providing primary and preventative care.
National First Responders Day: Honoring Our Everyday Heroes
On Oct. 28 we pause and celebrate the courage, dedication and selflessness of these extraordinary individuals whose commitment to public safety makes our communities stronger and safer.
EMS Safety Practices
Create a safety culture within the EMS department
Learn how to develop a safety program that covers all aspects of EMS operations.
Emergency Services Ergonomics and Wellness
Make the EMS work environment safer and more productive for the worker
These corrective measures will help to increase the safety of emergency responders, reduce the costs of worker's compensation claims, maximize the longevity of emergency service careers, and assist with sending personnel into healthy retirements.
Alive on Arrival: Tips for Safe Emergency Vehicle Operations
Arrive safely to an incident scene
Information on the basics of emergency vehicle and roadway operations safety, including the roles of drivers, passengers and the officer in charge.
Operational Templates and Guidance for EMS Mass Incident Deployment
Prepare for mass care incidents
This guide will help you to prepare and develop response policies for mass care incidents like natural disasters, pandemics and other emergencies.
Handbook for EMS Medical Directors
Learn about being an EMS medical director
We've created an overview of key roles and responsibilities to assist current and prospective medical directors in performing their important duties.
Mitigation of Occupational Violence to Firefighters and EMS Responders
Protect yourself from occupational violence
Best practices for preventing and mitigating violence against firefighters and EMS responders.
Safety and Health Considerations for the Design of Fire and EMS Stations
Design safe and healthy stations
If you are a fire department leader, architect or local government official, this guide will assist you in your efforts to design a safe, healthy and functional facility.
Emergency Vehicle Safety Initiative
Stay safe in your vehicle and on the roadway
Best practices and recommendations for safer emergency vehicle and roadway incident response.
Community Risk Reduction tools
Resources to assist fire departments with community safety outreach and response related to emergency medical services.
Social media outreach
Post these cards on your social channels and include your own content to reinforce the messages.
Use these pictographs to communicate 911 and first aid messages to high-risk populations.
EMS reference materials
Get a head start on your EMS research project with these reference materials from the National Emergency Training Center Library.

EMS in the United States: Fragmented Past, Future of Opportunity
This book is a comprehensive exploration into the evolution, current state, and future of Emergency Medical Services in the U.S. that delves into key aspects of personnel management, touching on recruitment, retention, mental health, and a professional code of conduct.