Start Using ReportStruckBy.com… It Could Save Your Life
Posted: May 4, 2023
- 1 min read
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The more roadway emergency responders report struck-by incidents via the ReportStruckBy.com reporting system, the more useful the data will be at informing efforts to enhance responder safety on roadways and ultimately save lives.
What is ReportStruckBy.com?
ReportStruckBy.com collects detailed information for a nationwide database of incidents on the roadway where emergency responders or their equipment were struck by a vehicle while operating at a scene. The goal is to collect as much data as possible on the continuing problem of secondary crashes and struck-by incidents at emergency scenes on the roadway.
How can this save my life?
By increasing voluntary reporting, tracking and analysis of struck-by incident data, there is a better chance that future incidents can be prevented.
How do I participate?
You can participate by reporting these incidents and be part of the solution to address the gap in the data that is hampering the ability to understand why drivers continue to strike responders. All roadway responders are encouraged to report struck-by incidents to ReportStruckBy.com, whether that incident resulted in death, injury or property damage. The reporting form takes approximately 3-4 minutes to complete.
Who compiles and analyzes the data?
The data is collected by the Emergency Responder Safety Institute (ERSI). ERSI was founded 25 years ago by the Cumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen's Association and works to improve the safety of those who respond to incidents on America's roadways. Since its founding, ERSI has established itself as a trusted source for national data collection, analysis and reporting on responder struck-by incidents.
This article is based on content in the
May 4, 2023 InfoGram.