Photo credit: FEMA Photo by Dominick Del Vecchio/Released
Phase 3 Report on Lahaina Fire Released
Posted: Feb. 20, 2025
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The Department of the Attorney General of Hawaii released the Lahaina Fire Forward-Looking Report, a product of an independent analysis conducted by the Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI), part of UL Research Institutes. This Phase 3 report covers the Lahaina fire, which devastated the town of Lahaina in Maui County, Hawaii, in August 2023.
Phase 3 organizes the findings from the Lahaina Fire Comprehensive Timeline Report (Phase 1) and Lahaina Fire Incident Analysis Report (Phase 2), prioritizes a list of action items for the state, and includes recommendations on prioritizing actions. All counties can use this to improve Hawaii’s preparation for and response to wildfires.
Among the highest-priority items cited in Phase 3 are staffing an Office of the State Fire Marshal and engaging state agencies in addressing the Phase 2 findings and recommendations.
The report also includes guidance for each county fire department to complete a Community Risk Assessment, Community Risk Reduction plan, and Standards of Cover analysis. Each component is in progress, and FSRI has provided the state and counties with guidance documents.
This article is based on content in the
Feb. 20, 2025 InfoGram.