EMR — ISAC: Making Vital, Timely, Actionable Emergency Services Sector Information Easily Accessible
If you are a member of the Emergency Services Sector (ESS), you can immediately access important information about protecting first responders and critical infrastructures in your community by subscribing to information products produced by the U.S. Fire Administration's (USFA's) Emergency Management and Response — Information Sharing and Analysis Center (EMR-ISAC).
Posted: Nov. 16, 2022
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The EMR-ISAC works with many federal partners to enhance information and intelligence sharing with the emergency response community. It shares emergent threat and critical infrastructure protection information primarily via the InfoGram, EMR-ISAC bulletins and the Homeland Security Information Network — Emergency Services (HSIN-ES).
The InfoGram
The EMR-ISAC has published over 1,000 editions of the InfoGram since it debuted in January 2001. Each edition contains timely and relevant information regarding responder safety, awareness, planning, prevention, education, training and funding opportunities affecting ESS personnel nationwide. Published weekly and free to subscribers, the InfoGram is distributed to over 186,000 members of the ESS from federal, state, local, tribal and territorial organizations.
Recent InfoGram articles have included information on:
- Firefighter multi-gas monitor training and use.
- The health risks associated with PFAS in firefighter turnout gear.
- Behavioral and mental health resources available to emergency responders.
- Wildland urban interface fire alerting technology.
- Monkeypox.
- Dextrose shortages and adapting emergency medical services protocols.
- Safety notifications for respirator equipment.
EMR-ISAC bulletins
Distributed as needed, bulletins contain timely, important homeland security information affecting the ESS. Personnel currently in emergency services leadership positions, and who subscribe to the InfoGram, may also be eligible to access “Controlled Unclassified Information” available on HSIN-ES.
HSIN-ES platform
HSIN-ES is another key medium the EMR-ISAC uses to distribute critical infrastructure protection and emerging threat information to the ESS. It is a secure, web-based platform serving over 27,000 vetted members of the ESS.
HSIN-ES supports the missions of emergency service professionals across the country by providing:
- Tools that emergency services professionals can use to prevent, protect from, respond to and recover from disasters.
- A secure and collaborative information sharing environment where they can communicate during critical situations.
- Critical infrastructure protection information bulletins, alerts and advisories.
- Training and conference information.
HSIN-ES is a central location for information you need to keep up to date on threats to your community and first responders.
Organized into 17 topic categories, HSIN-ES contains “Controlled Unclassified Information” on:
- Border security.
- Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear.
- Communications.
- Current situation report.
- Cybersecurity.
- Daily report.
- Drugs/controlled dangerous substances.
- Emerging diseases.
- Explosives.
- Extremism/terrorism.
- Health threats.
- Other threats.
- Partner products.
- Risk and threat assessments/special events.
- Transnational threats.
- Transportation.
- Unmanned aircraft systems.
Subscribing to EMR-ISAC information products is a great way to keep informed about emergent threats facing communities and emergency responders. The information is free, timely and will help your fire department in its mission to ensure the health and safety of the public.
To see if you are eligible for access to HSIN-ES, please email fema-emr-isac@fema.dhs.gov or call 301-447-1325.