National Fire Academy training opportunities
Incident management
Several courses with simulations and case studies that walk you through incident management of an active shooter event.
Incident management curriculumTerrorism
Training for first responders and fire officers to respond safety and effectively to incidents of terrorism.
Terrorism curriculumCritical infrastructure bomb threat awareness resources
First responders need real-time hazmat information at rail incidents
Posted: June 29, 2023
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Critical infrastructure protection
Threat, vulnerability and critical infrastructure protection information for emergency services sector leaders.
Critical infrastructure resourcesFire/EMS Department Operational Considerations and Guide for Active Shooter and Mass Casualty Incidents
Use this guide to support planning and preparation for active shooter and mass casualty incidents.
DownloadNational Incident Management System (NIMS)
NIMS can help you to integrate your planning and incident support mechanisms to include the whole community.
Learn about NIMSNational Emergency Training Center Library
Our library has reference materials on a wide variety of active shooter and terrorism topics, including mass gatherings and weapons of mass destruction.
Search library materials